Dec 14, 2015

Presented by the Amsterdam School of Communication Research, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, the ASCoR Denis McQuail Award was established in honor of Denis McQuail, and is awarded each year to the best article advancing communication theory published in a peer-reviewed journal in the previous year. Denis McQuail is one of the most famous scholars in the field of Communication Science. Tens of thousands of communication students have been brought up with McQuail's Mass Communication Theory, now in its sixth edition and an international bestseller. Denis McQuail held the chair in General Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam from 1977 until 1997, and he is now an Honorary Fellow of ASCoR.

Prof. Robin L. Nabi won the award with her article: Nabi, R. L., & Keblusek, L. (2014). Inspired by hope, motivated by envy: Comparing the effects of discrete emotions in the process of social comparison to media figures. Media Psychology, 17, 208-234. DOI:10.1080/15213269.2013.878663