Finding and Sharing Career Information

Student-alumni UCSB Department of Communication group on LinkedIn

In order to assist students, alumni, and other friends of the Department connect with one another, we have created our student-alumni UCSB Department of Communication group on LinkedIn. Our LinkedIn group of 600+ members posts internship and job opportunities that target Communication students, recent graduates and sometimes more seasoned alumni.  Any member can post new listings at anytime. Employers and alumni often post jobs on the Communication Student-Alumni, UCSB Facebook page and the student-alumni UCSB Department of Communication group on LinkedIn

Create a Free Professional Profile Page.  Go to the student-alumni UCSB Department of Communication group on LinkedIn. Join, or Sign In. (Please do not request to join the LinkedIn networks of individual professors.) Create a profile with a professional-looking photo and a brief description of who you are professionally. Include your skills and goals in the summary under your name. Be sure to list UCSB Dept. of Communication (not "Communications") and date of graduation or anticipated graduation.

Looking for an Internship or Job?  Employers post new positions every few days. If you would like to be one of the first to respond, choose the LinkedIn settings that will notify you every time a new discussion is posted.  If the number of opportunities increases, you can switch to digest format or no notification whenever you like. 

Have an Internship or Job Opportunity to Share?  Alumni or Friends of the Department are invited to post career opportunities on our “Discussions” page.  Simply type a header in the window next to your name, add a few details in the window below it and add a link to your website to share a complete job description.  

Be a Virtual Advisor on LinkedIn. Our students and new graduates appreciate having experienced alumni offer advice in such areas as resume content, cover letters, skills sets required, publications to read and how to introduce themselves to a prospective employer.  If you would like to be available to our LinkedIn group members via email, simply add to your LinkedIn profile “Interests” section “UCSB Dept of Communication Virtual Advisor”.

Looking for Advice from an Expert? Once you have joined our student-alumni UCSB Dept of Communication group on LinkedIn, use the “Member search” tool and enter “UCSB Dept of Communication Virtual Advisor”.  You will find comm alumni and other group members who are willing to help you with career-related questions. You may email them and ask for advice about issues such as resume or cover letter content, skills sets you need to acquire, publications to read, or how to introduce yourself to a potential employer.

UCSB Communication Alumni Council Career Resources

Check out UCSB Communication Alumni Council career resources: Virtual Career Series; Lighting up your LinkedIn Profile; and Virtual Interview Tips.

UCSB Communication Alumni Council Digital Mentoring Program

When you join our Mentorship Program, you'll be paired with a dedicated alumni mentor who has successfully navigated the path from college to a fulfilling career. Click here to find out more or here to sign up.

UCSB Career Services

UCSB Career Services offers Handshake, an interactive database system that lists and manages job opportunities for UCSB students and graduates.  Employers from all areas of the world register their job opportunities on Handshake free of charge and all UCSB students can access this information while enrolled in the university.

UCSB Career Services Blog: Timely articles, insights, links, videos, and notices of events are posted frequently and stored on this new resource.

Reference Letter Service: This service stores letters of recommendation from employers and/or professors for free. Upon request, a copy of these letters can be mailed to university admissions, educational institutions, and academic hiring officials.

For more career resources for both students and employers, such as the UCSB Career Fairs, please visit UCSB Career Services.


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